Tuesday, August 7, 2007

At the Worst Possible Moment...

Ok, so not the worst possible moment, but certainly close. Somedays, no matter how much experience you have, things just seem to go wrong. Sometimes it can be very badly wrong, like catching the shop on fire, and sometimes it's just an annoying series of minor issues that combine to be a big pain in the ass. Last night was one of the latter kinds of nights, as we were setting up for a job, it just seemed that other little detail was just a small bit off. It can be frustrating, and can also be time consuming. The most important thing is to keep a cool head and logically think things out. Troubleshooting is a big part of being successful.

Oh, and no, we haven't actually ever set the shop on fire. Yet. Knock on wood. :D


ASH said...

I think next time this happens we should pour beer on the damn shirt and that should fix it. Of course that would be after I pour beer down my throat until its numb. ; )

captainzoli said...

That would certainly solve some of our problems. ;)